Basis Debut Mk v or Walker or Brinkman ?

I have a Basis Debut Mk v with Graham Phantom and was wondering if anyone has compared it to the walker or the brinkman balance.Is their major differences between these tables or are they subtle.
I have almost the same set-up as you (my Ovation was updated to a Debut vacuum, and I use a Graham 2.2). If I could afford it, as good as this combo is I would probably replace it with a Walker, as the Walker seems just a bit better in all respects, most noticeably in the detail it digs out from the grooves and a sense of "liveness", for lack of a better word (it could be that the Basis is too good at damping out vibrations, for all I know). Ultimately the Walker makes a record sound a little closer to a musical event rather than listening to a recording of one. I couldn't tell you for certain how "major" the differences are, particularly since I've heard the Walker in a completely different system than mine, but at this level, the differences in components tend to get smaller and are more a reflection on the designer's philosophy and taste than anything else. So, objectively I'd say that the differences are probably subtle, but subjectively they mean a lot to me. I really think that you really have to hear the Walker to understand what I'm talking about, and then you can decide how much the difference means to you.
I will echo Russ' comments about needing to listen to the Walker turntable in order to really appreciate what makes it so special. I'm clearly biased in favor of the Walker having made that decision several years ago, but with the overall level of your system today, you really ought to hear the Walker for yourself. Lloyd is very accomodating and he's just a little ways west of Philadelphia: might make a very good day trip for you to arrange a listening session with him.
Thank both of you for your input,it seems that the next logical step in my system could be the Walker black diamond.