Basis Debut Mk v or Walker or Brinkman ?

I have a Basis Debut Mk v with Graham Phantom and was wondering if anyone has compared it to the walker or the brinkman balance.Is their major differences between these tables or are they subtle.
Congrats, Strapper, now we have to get you to join the NJAS and host a meeting! Gotta hear those speakers of yours as well. One thing, though, from the pictures of your system it looks like your listening room is on an upper floor of your place (I'm guessing from the sloped ceiling). I trust that you've determined that your floor can handle the additional weight of this turntable, which is substantially more than the Basis, and that you have a separate room in which to house the air compressor unit, which is pretty quiet but still does make some noise. If not, don't worry, I'll let you borrow my house to hold the TT while the necessary structural changes are being made... ;^)

be sure to check out Lloyd's other products when you get your table, particularly the Reference High Definition Links, Velocitor and Mapleshade/inSound cables. You may be getting rid of the Bybees, and Transarants if and when you do.

Have you discussed with Lloyd the cartridge/arm compatability of your Jade?
Hi,I think my floor can handle the weight of the table.That Rix rax I have is filled with sand and must weigh about 250 but the floor is pretty sturdy up their,if not the table will be in my living room.I have a smaller room next to my listening where I keep the vpi typhoon for record cleaning,thats where the compressor box will go.I really love my bybee stuff and transparent opus cables.I doubt if they will be going anywhere.I will defintely use the Jade platinum with the Walker,I see no problem.The Jade is the finest Koetsu I ever heard.
You may be doing yourself a disservice by not trying an alternative given an easy opportunity. I know Lloyd does not like the Bybee and Transparant products after having tried them. As you know, much of this is a matter of taste and system balance but when you get further and further into the upper eschelons of truly high resolution and neutrality, you zero in more and more on somewhat of an objective truthfullness that reveals more of the music.

I'm sure the Jade is glorious and that the Koetsu/Walker combo will be stunning. There is some concern nonetheless for optimisation of effective mass of arm and cartridge and stylus compliancy. Some knowledgable people think that an airbearing linear tracking arm does better with low mass high compliant cartridges. The Koetsus are neither. I know that Lloyd has ideas about how to compensate for this in the arm counterweight position and air pressure. Just curious whether this has been discussed.
I have the Walker and choose the Jade Platinum.

There are no problems whatsoever. Lloyd visited me recently and listened to my system. We experimented with tracking force and VTA and he said the sound was excellent.

In fact, rare for LLoyd, he had no suggestions for changes.