USA - Europe Duties

There are several nice US audio components (namely cables) whithout dealers in Europe. The solution is buying from the manufacturer. Payment is no problem. Shipping is no problem either. My concern is duties... Is there any way to "solve" this problem? The only solution I know is to ask the manufacturer to declare a (much) minor price. Any other way?
Hi Doug, no problem... A word of caution regarding declarations: packages are INSURED on declared price. If (God forbid!) a package is lost, claims apply on declared price only!
One thing to remember if shipping items from the US to Europe (well, the UK at least but assume it is the same for the rest) is that once the small personal value limit per item(s)/shipment is exceeded then the whole shipment (item(s) plus shipping) becomes liable for duty and tax (VAT). For example the UK allows any item under $27 approx brought in for personal use to be delivered free of duty and tax (I also think double this limit is allowed for a gift). So an item(s) costing $25 and $10 to mail will be delivered without any further charge. If the item(s) cost $30 and $10 to mail then duty and tax will be applied to the full $40 before delivery. Also whoever is delivering the item will also apply a fee of their own. In the end it roughly equates to having to allow approx 30% of the total cost of the item (inc shipping) for extra charges this end. The UK has 17.5% tax (VAT) and some other European countries have 22%, so it all gets pretty expensive over here! Regards, Richard.
Kelly, your warning voice certainly does make sense. But doesn't this apply merely to inter US dealings from one state to the other? I have my doubts about the Fed. Gov. caring much about foreign tax revenews, unless of course there are agreements between your governement and another about this matter, as is the case, say with money laundering. Just a thought.
O heck, spelling, it should mean revenues, like avenues, I suppose. E. is some tough language to write. Maybe I should try to imitate Sedond, but then he inimitable......I adore his spelling.