Teres, redpoint or galibier turntable

I would like to upgrade my basis 2000 turntable.I am considering either upgrading to the basis 2200 table or trying one of the above three tables. I would also consider the new VPI aries three table. Which of the above would you recommend. I would like to keep the cost of the table only to 5000 dollars or less. Thanks for responding
Dear Stltrains: Looking to your very nice audio system I can't understand exactly what are you looking for with a TT change.

If you are looking for a sensible quality sound improvement IMHO I think that you can/could do better through a tonearm/cartridge change or through a Phonolinepreamp change. Either of these changes could give you a higher quality improvement over the TT change, even maybe in a different tonearm your cartridge could be better that what you have today.
A change in your Phonolinepreamp can/could give you the highest quality improvement.

So you have some alternatives about all depend what are you looking for.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Hello Rauliruegas and thanks for the info. Yes no doubt i have put together a system that can give you hours of musical enjoyment in a short time since my being victimized by Katrina.

But with all due respect dont know if you are being facetious or what but tonearm/cartridge phonoamp/preamp! I could not be more happy with those components. But i think i understand where you are coming from my Aeries at 60 plus pounds is surly a mass loaded turntable, quite and stable. And most would be glad to have one. With out the opportunity to compare it to the mentioned tables in this thread i would not know if its good, better, or worse.

Stringgreen yes the rim drive looks interesting but not available for Aeries tables as of yet. Teres VERUS Direct Coupled Motor system is for use in all tables and that is something i am considering also.
If you are looking for a sensible quality sound improvement IMHO I think that you can/could do better through a tonearm/cartridge change or through a Phonolinepreamp change.

That is in Raul's totally unbiased opinion, of course. :-)

Wait 'til you guys hear the VPI rim drive...

Have you heard the speed stability of a Galiber or Teres tape drive? And, there's no noise at all from the tape drive transmitted through the platter.
Dear Dan: Well IMHO the tonearm/cartridge link and the Phonolinepreamp link in the analog chain not only are a little more important links that the TT it self but I know by several experiences about that those links can give you a greater quality improvement than the TT change alone.

The Stltrains TT is a good one and changing it could give him a very small quality performance improvement than he goes other " road ".

Dear Stltrains, of course that you can put your money where you like but my point of view ( at least is what I almost always do ) is that we take/put our money where it " counts ". My advise about is for the better and in good shape but it is your play. You say that I'm almost obsesive about but till you try it with all respect you can say it for sure. If you ask I can give you a wide explanation of the importance of those links and why you must think on them if you want to really improve your qualite sound reproduction through your system.

Like one Agoner told me: " High end is what you are not what you buy. "

Regards and enjoy the music.