Vintage vinyl or new reissues?

Can someone comment on this subject. Preferably someone who has compared the old with new reissues. For example would a new sealed bob dylan highway 61 revisted, released by columbia always sound better than good reissues? How does one approach this question?
In the context that both the records are clean, mold, warp and scratch free and in like new condition. This thread is not about price but about which, if executed properly, will deliver the best SONIC results. Thanks.
In particular almost all the riverside Wes Montgomerys sound better on the reissue (45) except Bags meets Wes which is a tie between the original and the 45. All the Bill Evans sound much better on the reissue (45) except Cannonball with Bill which is also a draw and in fact I may prefer the 33 reissue overall. The Vince Guaraldi Black Orpheus is a poor recording on both my original and the 45 so theres an example of something that couldnt be improved in mastering. Most of the 45's improve on or equal the originals that I own and then give me an opportunity to have great copys of titles Ill probably never aquire. As far as the fantasy 45's are concerned the down side is the sides are to short for really relaxing listening and they arent neccessarily the titles I would have chosen but I felt that it was a good opportunity to pick up a nice colletion at what I think is a fair price considering what some of the originals would cost if you could find them. Ill be paying it off for a while but Im happy to have them in my collection. I think if your a new collector or someone replacing worn copys in your collection many of the reissues including the classics and ojc can get you close to the originals if not just as good. Of course this is only what my ears hear on my system.
Interesting thread. As audiophiles the sound quality as opposed to performance quality is often a main concern and sometimes our primary concern. As I see it, the reissue market is a very healthy and positive development in that it frees us from the clutches of the mercenary collectors and E-bay pirates who prey on those individuals who beleive that anything new cannot be good and that old and original (and therefore exclusive) is the way to go.
Sometimes these mouldy figs are correct and sometimes they are not. I for one do a little research and try to CHOOSE WISELY.

I really enjoy my repressing of Hendrix Axis Bold as Love (mono) pressed by Classic at RTI. Sounds positevely psychedelic and it cost me 30 bucks. Of couse I could pay 500 or more for a suspect original. The Dylan mono on Sundazed are generally excellent with the possible exception of Blond on Blond which seems to have had some pressing issues (noisy vinyl). Of course we could look around for some early originals ($$$) or mediocre mid eighties flexi discs that sound like bad cassette recordings !!

The OJC jazz re-issues were without a doubt the bargain of the decade but now seem to be disappearing as Concord Music take control of the Fantasy / Riverside catalog.

What does it all mean? Simple. Choose wisely. And if possible try and borrow a friends shiny new re-issue to see if it makes the sonic grade. Oh yeah, one last thing. For those of you hoarding and saving those limited edition re-releases as a possible investment? Sad, very very sad........
*As audiophiles the sound quality as opposed to performance quality is often a main concern and sometimes our primary concern*

I'd rather listen to bob dylan on a transistor radio than britney spears on a good sounding system if it came down to artistry, but if i was listening for tone, timbre and naturalness at that particular moment than it would be britney spears but if it came down to the two artists being heard through the musical system , I'd always choose to listen to bob dylan over britney, one, because of his artistry and two, because of the fidelity. Somedays i couldnt care less if the tone and timbre and all the hifi stuff we look for isnt there, i can enjoy a great artist on any playback system but its fun, enjoyable and interesting to also hear it "in hi fidelity" but if the only way you can enjoy it if its perfect than your going to be frustrated and unhappy often. So, I'm grateful that we have a chance to build systems that can sound good, its a blessing, we would still enjoy bob on transistor radios but we're lucky we have the means and the technology to take it to a kind of higher level.
I agree with Vinylrowe here. It's a really mixed bag. I don't like paying more for a reissue than an original, unless the reissue is outstanding. Some original pressings can be vastly overrated by collectors who insist that only originals will do (perhaps because they have many valuable records). In my collection I have cheap reissues, expensive reissues, standard later era pressings and stuff everyone talks about like mono parlophone beatles and w. 67 blue notes. Evereything sounds different, and often often not "better" just "different". Reissues(which used to be just called "records") are clean and easily available. Lables like fania or strata east are good bets as the proignal pressings were pretty cheaply done anyway. There are some real bargain 8.99 repressings.

Do some listening and I'm sure you'll find your way.