Looks like I need another stage...suggestions?

Well, I purchased a Lehmann Black cubefrom someone on here on March 19th. Was to be shipped that week and to receive it by the weekend. No stage arrived, wrote back and was told it would be sent out overnight 2 thursdays ago so I would have it by last weekend. Well, still no stage and now no communication back to me in over a week. So, it seems I've lost $360. Needless to say, pretty upset as I'm selling and buying houses and about start med school, so $360 is a good chunk of change for me right now. And unfortunate because I'm afraid to buy anything else here....

Sorry for the rant, just can't beleive it...Anyway, looking for a phono stage in about the same price range and wondering about some other options out there, or is the Black Cube the route to go at that price?
Sorry but with 4 pos and one neg feedback, that was risky odds...........wish you didnt get burned and hope you can get what is rightly yours.
Pablo, I am not sure if the Bottlehead crew will build for you, but I am sure one or two posters that hang out on the Bottlehead forum will. Best is to submit a post and ask.

You should however not just write off the money you spent on the black cube. I'd start a dispute and go after this ass. Even if he is just lazy and will send it shows and absolute lack of respect - better he get kicked off Audiogon.

I fully agree with Jond. It is quite early in the game to be giving up. It sounds as though you have a full set of email dialogs which in essence should confirm receipt of payment, state intent to deliver and specify the product. These are useful tools. Starting a dispute on Agon is a first logical step. Using the social pressure of the forums is a logical progression, but first use the Agon dispute process. How did you provide payment? Do you have tools here to assist you?

Don't give up on buying on Agon, or Ebay for that matter. If you judiciously use the tools available, you CAN do a pretty thorough job of protecting yourself. If you look past the comparatively high fees, using PayPal and paying with a Credit Card (assuming that you can document in writing the entire transaction) gives you a LOT of horsepower in a dispute assuming you have a good relationship with your card provider. Additionally, the PayPal buyer protection mechanisms can be very helpful in these kind of circumstances.

In my experience, I have had these kind of difficulties (lack of communication) with sellers when problems arose and it is often surprising how cooperative they become when they receive a 'formal complaint' from the listing organization.
I agree with pursuing the bird-almost-in-the-hand, but in case you decide to change to the Phonomenon bear in mind that it has been replaced in the Musical Surroundings line by the battery powered Nova. Similar but much better than the Phonomenon with the battery PS upgrade, as a one box unit, it is a ittle cheaper than the two box Phonomenon/battery.