Does it really get any better than the Raven AC ??

Just received my new three motor Raven AC from Jeff at Highwater Sound. SImply the best analog I've heard. The combo of Raven AC, Dynavector 507 mk2 and the Xv1s cartridge is remarkable. My collection never sounded this good. I'd encourge you to give the table a look if your in the market for something really special.

Fm540i in Chicago
Which arm/cart/phono are you using on which Transrotor?
What do you like better about it?
The question may be does it get any better than Jeff Catalano?

You are going to be jealous of me - Jeff lives only a few miles away, and he not only came to set up my table but then later brought Thomas W- the Raven;s designer (who was in NY visiting from Germany) to tweek my table.

I only have the lowly little "toy" Raven One but I enjoy it immensely. I have the Phantom arm, Stealth Hyperphono cable and currently the Celebration cart.

I may go with a X-1s cart at some point. Also I have mine sitting on a Sistrum stand, and even though it is a little too small for the table (I'm getting the proper size Sistrum this week) I really think it makes the table even faster and more detailed. I may even try and take the new Sistrum down to Jeff''s before I set it up so he can evaluate it vs. the Stillpoints that TW currently suggests.

I actually like my table with no mat and no clamp - both of which seem to overdamp the sound in my system.
Sure it does get better. My friend owns one and never uses it. Too depressing compared to his other table. We made a comparison with 2 identical cartridges, identical Arms and all into the same electronics.
I have mine on both Stillpoints and a stand. I spent the effort (it is so heavy) to remove the table from the Stillpoints and place it directly on the regular feet. The loss in detail and separation was significant enough to make the test last no longer than 1 side of 2 records. I then immediately placed the stillpoints back and all was well again. As for the stand, I am using a spring stand from Machina Dynamica. It has made a huge improvment as my room has a ton of bass so I need isolation. It allowed the turntable to go up a notch. I would say that SACD at its best is close to analogue. But prior to the TW is was equal if not better. Now, analogue is ahead by a small margin. This is when SACD is at its best.
Id be interested in more detail around competing tables. Transrotor what, model, arm, cartridge???? Still playing aroind with mat vs. no mat. Mystic mat versus Millenium mat etc.