Does it really get any better than the Raven AC ??

Just received my new three motor Raven AC from Jeff at Highwater Sound. SImply the best analog I've heard. The combo of Raven AC, Dynavector 507 mk2 and the Xv1s cartridge is remarkable. My collection never sounded this good. I'd encourge you to give the table a look if your in the market for something really special.

Fm540i in Chicago

I love the mystic compared to the Millenium. But that is me. But some say it depends on the LP. Also, the Harmonix clamp is amazing. I love it. Is it better than all the others. Not sure but it sure looks cool and is better than some of them.

Hey, and no mat at all is also excellent. The Mystic "sound" is very very close to no mat at all. The copper platter is that good.

It sounds like your table should be set up pretty well now!
I'm curious, though. What was not optimum in your set up that needed tweaking? What parameters were changed and by how much? What differences did you hear after the changes?

Heh Thomas

What is your friend's other table that makes the TW Raven AC-3 unlistenable??
I think from Transrotor, the Transrotor Apollon that I wrote a review on has an equal footing in the performance area when equipped with the 3 motors, TMD, 80MM aluminum platter and special heavy duty quartz controlled outboard speed controller.

The mass alone is just 50lbs shy of the Raven, however, it is still over 100lbs as it sits. I use the Clearaudio MontBlanc stand for the Apollon and never ever have isolation related problems, i'e footsteps, rumble or picking up sounds or noises from the speakers. But, I would sure like to have both an AC in my living room system and keep the primary rig, The Transrotor Apollon in the listening room. They are both great in my book and I saw personnaly the debut a few years ago in Germany when the AC came out to the market and I knew that the style would catch on with the "analog" lovers in the world.

Man, is this hobby great or what?
The Davinci 12" arm & Davinci table combination that I heard out classed both the Raven & Walker. It was the best analogue reproduction I've ever heard by a long shot.