New Teres Direct Drive Motor Available as Option

Hi Folks:
It looks like Teres is now offering a direct drive motor as an option on their regualar tables. As a Teres 255 owner I'm contemplating the upgrade. Has anyone tried the new motor on there existing/old Teres, and does it seem like the upgrade is worth it? Here's a link to the new product:

Two completely different Teres animals. Older models can be fitted with the new rim-drive. As I understand it this is trickle down technology from the development of the new Teres direct drive model. From Chris's comments on the improvement it does seem like a worthwhile investment. Hopefully, we'll be getting some impressions soon.
More importantly, Teres tables aren't the only ones to potentially benefit from this rim-drive motor.

Hell, I'm tempted to DIY a wheel adapter for my Scheu outboard motor pod and gives this a try. Won't have the micro-controller for speed, but should at least give a hint at what's possible. (though, torque may be an issue)
Seems like this goes against the grain but I am interested in that whole comparison of better speed but more rumble.But I am sure their on strings here and asylum ,more than I would want to read.BTW anybody catch that Nakamichi what was it model 1000 DD TT that had everything including compensator for off center spindle holes,azimuth control etc. etc.Sold used for a cool $14K.Can't imagine what it went for new.But Nakamichi used to be that company.Hear that their main business was no in fact tape decks or any audio but magnetic research and products for military.But I wonder how a rim drive can be better in terms of rumble than a belt even though one would expect dead accurate speed.Yet when tested most decks don't deviate from speed by perceptible amounts at least decently made 9as opposed to expensive ones) so don't see it myself.

Fella's I have to say after switching to a Garrard 301 idler drive I'll nver go back to a belt. This seems like the same premise and is very interesting IMHO.

The Verus outer-rim drive may not be shipping yet. For an upgrade, check with Chris to see if you can try the new drive before returning your old outboard motor.

Looking at the line drawing, I wonder if the small nub on the bottom allows the Verus simply to lean into the platter while one of the 'wings' on the base stops against the stand to prevent the drive from torquing around. Just speculation on my part.
