New Teres Direct Drive Motor Available as Option

Hi Folks:
It looks like Teres is now offering a direct drive motor as an option on their regualar tables. As a Teres 255 owner I'm contemplating the upgrade. Has anyone tried the new motor on there existing/old Teres, and does it seem like the upgrade is worth it? Here's a link to the new product:

Yeah, the monkeys are quiet. :) Not sure if the drives have started shipping.
A birdy recently chirped about suppliers who miss deadlines, and suggested the monkey watch his mailbox in late July.
Provocative comment:
Fella's I have to say after switching to a Garrard 301 idler drive I'll nver go back to a belt. This seems like the same premise and is very interesting IMHO.
A good customer of Frank Schroeder owns a Loricraft 301 and 501. They sit adjacent to each other on a wide shelf.

You know how he drives them? Using the 'table which isn't playing as a motor pod belt drive system for the other one.

It's the only modular belt drive system I know of whose motor pod comes with its own Schroeder Reference tonearm (grin).

There are lots of ways to solve a problem, and saying that the architecture dictates success or failure (rather than the design and implementation), is drawing the wrong conclusion.

This dialog comes up time and again whether it involves electronics, turntables, speakers, etc.

People incorrectly attribute the "goodness" of a component to the chosen architecture instead of the fact that they are experiencing a mature, well thought out design developed by someone who knows what real music sounds like.

Thom @ Galibier
Thom has hit this one right on the money. Its so easy to attribute the success or failure of a component to a specific element of the design or architecture when it is the series of design decisions and the implementation of the design that makes the most difference. Otherwise, there would be very little difference in components. You could just cookie cut any component "Add 2 of these caps, three of these resistors, simmer with tubes and install in a resonance proof case". Burn in for 250 hours and listen ;~)