My daughter is a good example of how to answer this question. She is 19 and loves music. She grew up listening to music in various medias(radio, television, vinyl, satellite, CD, MP3, downloads, etc). Her download and CD collection puts my modest vinyl collection to shame. I gave her my michell gyrodec and a few lp's, I recently purchased a maplenoll(tweakers delite)and had the gyrodec just gathering dust. She now goes to yardsales, antiques shops, pawnshops collecting vinyl. Her taste are varied so she has records from the 30's to present. I ask her why, she said the vinyl makes her appreciate the music more and it is more intimate. The sound is much better than the most of the downloaded music and in her opinion has more passion or depth than her CD's. She readily says the vinyl is more timeconsuming and is a little fussy but when she is at home and has a choice she breaks out the records. I have quite a few CD's that I listen to in my car and have done side by side comparisons with my vinyl rig and feel the vinyl is better. I have a few SACD recordings of my favorite LP's and really can not tell too much difference but I personally prefer vinyl. In my opinion, yes the vinyl is more work but worth the hassle.