Signal Cable REL cable vs Speakon Custom REL cable

Has anyone had an opportunity to compare the Signal Cable REL subwoofer cable ($90) with the REL Speakon Custom sub cable that's built by an A'gon member 'zikhmark' ($88)?
Are either of these cables really a sonic upgrade for using with my newly acquired REL Storm III?
If you have compared these cables, what differences did you hear? Or, if you upgraded to another REL sub cable, what did you purchase, and what is your recommendation?
In advance, thanks! I look forward to hearing your thoughts and recommendations.
When you commented on the Nordost Baseline "made to REL spec", does that mean that Nordost builds the cable with a Speakon connector on one end, and the three separate leads for the amplifier end? Is this a special order type of arrangement, or do dealers keep this in stock? Thanks for this great suggestion.
Yes it is a custom order from Nordost. My dealer had it within 1 week. There was also a $35 upcharge. I wouldn't think any dealers would stock them unless they were both a Rel and Nordost dealer. Now that being said once you see a basline cable you will be surprised. It's only 1/4" wide flat ribbon cable. But for me again the difference was huge as far as what I heard.
Xti16,I made a "REL cable" from same baseline Wireworld speaker cable. Sound with the sub is fuller, full-bodied, instruments more palpable etc. When I turn off the sub clarity, purity of sound slightly improves though. Do you experience the same? I wonder if it's the cable that picks some RF noise or just more mikro detail causes the impression the soundstage is not crystal clear.
Both cables offered on audiogon have "Tri-braid geometry" that probably makes them immune to noise pickup.
My Canare (Ebay score) is "star quad" which, as I understand it, simply means it's spiral wound to make it immune to RF...and I (among many other REL heads) think the REL, due to some "room charging" effect or something, always adds depth and a seemingly more life-like overall sound to the party, even with what you might think is music with little bass information...without the REL everything is sort of dull.
Jkuc - No I didn't experience what you are describing. When I turn my sub off I lose the lowest octave and a slight compression in the width of the sound stage and some warmth in the mids (especially with female vocals).

That being said I have Dyn C1 signatures driven by an Octave V110 tube integrated. Honestly the C1's go pretty low all by themselves. The great majority of my music doesn't go beyond what the C1's do by themselves. But when it does the Sub sure is a nice addition.

FWIW I do have all Nordost cabling less pc's. Heimdall 2 digital - Tyr 2 ic's and original Frey sc's. But back to the sub cable itself. It's nice Rel includes a cable but it is pure garbage in my opinion.