vinyl storage?????

hi yall, im looking to find shelving for records.. the only thing i can find now is the Billy Baggs system avail on Acoustic Sounds website..... does anyone know of other pro shelving, or drawers?? thanks!!
Music Direct also sells some nice shelving units for LP's as well.

Musicdirect makes some real nice ones. I own them and love them. they are quite attractive. They are modular, so you can add tiers as your LP collection grows.
These are the racks that I prefer.
They look good (high WAF), and they work great, as they even have the back stop, so your albums always are lined up straight. And you can even have your choice of two different finishes. (I went with Cherry as it matched our decor better.)

Music Direct LP Rack
Home Depot closet organizer units - slightly modified. Store about 700 LPs in each at a cost of maybe $80. Best against a wall and if you don't mind a white melamine finish. I have 6 of these and they work great for me.
hey thank you everyone, i think im going with the music direct. its very nice looking and i like the wheels!! thanks again jonny