Excellent turntables with threaded spindles ?

Aside from those tables with vacuum hold down and outer rings, what fine turntables are available that have threaded spindles which permit the use of a screw on record clamp ? Thanks very much.
Opus88, if your objective is to ensure excellent connnecton of LP to platter and flattening of the LP on the platter, a screw-on clamp is not the only solution. My Walker Audio Proscenium turntable uses a smooth spindle and yet has among the most effective record clamping of any turntable out there. The secret is in the design of the clamp, not whether the spindle is threaded or smooth.

Dear Rushton, Thank you for the info. I thought that Walker was using screw-on clamp. Basically, they use a heavy weight clamp to flatened the record, don't they?
I agree with Rushton, a spindle does not need to be threaded to have an effective clamping system. I own a Basis 2500 Diamond Signature, which has a unique no-thread clamp design as well. I actually prefer it over my old VPI HW-19 mk IV which had a threaded clamp on device.
