Who is Michael Fremers'

Okay sometimes I just got bored and like to poke fun. Let us all send in our guess as to who in Mexico owns an Allerts MC2 and loaned it to Uncle Mikey for review? No personal attacks please. (May Issue Stereophile Vol.3, No.5; Analog Corner)
Hi Michael,

Nice to see you post here! I was happy to see your review or Raul's Allaert. Most people will not have the opportunity to hear as many products in the analog world as you do and I find that important. We may not always agree, but you have the benefit of much more direct experience than me and I value your commentary because of it. There are many posters here I feel the same way about.

Apparently, Audiofeil has some sort of axe to grind with just about everybody, so it's probably best to ignore his comments. Oh, he'll love this too, but if you get the chance to hear Raul's Essential 3150 Phonolinepreamp, I think you may really enjoy it. I don't know if Stereophiles rules would allow you to review it, but that's not important, just my recommendation from one analog lover to another.

BTW, great news about the Warner Bros./Hoffman/Gray reissues + new releases coming, eh? I'm looking forward to them!

Actually Mikey,you come across as doing quite a good job balancing thoughtful opinion,with fairness these days(as best as one can,I guess).You will always find the contrarians.Even I've gone that route at times.Sorry I did,in retrospect.
Why even bother with us plebians?
Just rotate some vinyl,when the need occurs.
Plebians? I'm sorry Speedy, but speak for your own sorry ass. You seem to go from one extreme to the other. That's fine, your opinion. But don't lump us, as in we all here in A'gon, in the same class. Especially just to garner favor with an individual who is given credibility simply because he gets his opinions published in some magazine. Sorry Mike, nothin' personal, but you know what they say about opinions.

I want you to know I really have enjoyed the interviews on your web site especially the one on gold star studio.

I don't read the stereophile/review anymore it seems almost the same as 20 years ago only the names have been changed to protect the innocent and guilty. Look how Bob Carver and Henry Kloss where treated in the trades years past, now they are heroes while before they where treated shabbily by experts.

The jealousy and petty pot shots are from the "iluminati" are uncalled for. Still Arthur Salvatore has a point and you are not the only one standing in the shadows. Arthur has the forensic evidence to prove it.

Thats why there is no winning. It is not Journalisim or literature or rocket science. Its a joke business that supports a trade that supports a magazine. its a job its a paycheck.

We expect integrety and we get capitalisim instead

Groovey Records
Dear Dan: +++++ " an individual who is given credibility simply because he gets his opinions published in some magazine ... " +++++

I respect your opinion but you really don't have any idea of what you are saying.

What is your experience/know-how that you think to have for speak in that " light " way? how many and which audio items do you heard in your own system over the last 30 years: TTs/tonearms/cartridges/amplifiers/phono stages/preamps/cables/speakers/etc, etc? for how many time each one?, how many records do you own? which are your experience on live music? in how many Music Halls around the world do you have experience?, which is your experience with big name symphonic orchestras? which ones? how many times? with blues/jazz/pop/rock artists? and I can go on and on.........

IMHO a magazine ( any ) does not " make/develop " a person/reviewer ( any one ). Any person/reviewer has to work/gain its " place " through the long very long run and based on its good or not so good job.

IMHO too almost no one of us ( including you ) have the great opportunity ( in all our audio life ) that almost all reviewers have: to have in their audio system almost all the best ( and some not " the best " ) audio items out there month after month year after year, sharing with other reviewers/persons/designers/manufacturers experiences that you or me could only have on dreams.

All those experiences certainly have a high value that I respect a lot. If I agree or not with a reviewer that is another/different subject.

Regards and enjoy the music.