Who is Michael Fremers'

Okay sometimes I just got bored and like to poke fun. Let us all send in our guess as to who in Mexico owns an Allerts MC2 and loaned it to Uncle Mikey for review? No personal attacks please. (May Issue Stereophile Vol.3, No.5; Analog Corner)
Dear Dan: +++++ " an individual who is given credibility simply because he gets his opinions published in some magazine ... " +++++

I respect your opinion but you really don't have any idea of what you are saying.

What is your experience/know-how that you think to have for speak in that " light " way? how many and which audio items do you heard in your own system over the last 30 years: TTs/tonearms/cartridges/amplifiers/phono stages/preamps/cables/speakers/etc, etc? for how many time each one?, how many records do you own? which are your experience on live music? in how many Music Halls around the world do you have experience?, which is your experience with big name symphonic orchestras? which ones? how many times? with blues/jazz/pop/rock artists? and I can go on and on.........

IMHO a magazine ( any ) does not " make/develop " a person/reviewer ( any one ). Any person/reviewer has to work/gain its " place " through the long very long run and based on its good or not so good job.

IMHO too almost no one of us ( including you ) have the great opportunity ( in all our audio life ) that almost all reviewers have: to have in their audio system almost all the best ( and some not " the best " ) audio items out there month after month year after year, sharing with other reviewers/persons/designers/manufacturers experiences that you or me could only have on dreams.

All those experiences certainly have a high value that I respect a lot. If I agree or not with a reviewer that is another/different subject.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Well, Raul, here again is another point where we can agree to disagree. If you really want to share your love of that cartridge with me why not send it to me so I can hear for myself in my own system and form my own opinion?

While Mike may have much more experience writing down his opinions, that doesn't make his opinion any more valid than anyone else's. Some people need to see their opinions and theories in print to somehow validate to themselves (and maybe others, in this case) that they are correct. I don't and I quit looking for validation in magazines year's ago.

I understand that you are trying to get something accomplished. I also understand that to be successful in this you need to stridently uphold Michael Fremer's opinion or your efforts will have been in vain. So once again you have taken the opportunity to belittle me. Big deal. Sure, I don't have a train load of components in and out of my system year after year. Who of us does? But really, what good does it do read about what someone else says that they hear? Does that really supercede the necessity to hear for one's self?
Dan,you surprise me with the sudden "attitude".I was being humorous,and as for the "extremes" you see in me,I have decided to be more pleasant in my posts.Sorry if I bother you,these days.
As to Mikey,I suspect there is a REAL effort, being done on his part, to be pretty fair.Not easy,and knowing a few reviewers it is NO easy task.I wanted to be complimentary,so what gives with your response to me?
Have you gotten overly confident,and ancy,since you now have a little experience,under youyr belt.
Anyway it is a novice method to start a business like this. Audiogon is a good place to build ones reputation and understanding of ones product. After all it is free for nothing. This forum is contribution of ideas and feedback from audiophiles and allows all of us to express freely our experiences and feelings toward components that we own and the sound which we could derive from the combination of components which we have. Not in particular, referring to the set up in specific that is highly raved by reviewers. It is what all of us who want this forum to be like in future. Personally, I want to continue to enjoy the contribution by any member and to learn more as I usually miss by having those magazines around.
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