Who is Michael Fremers'

Okay sometimes I just got bored and like to poke fun. Let us all send in our guess as to who in Mexico owns an Allerts MC2 and loaned it to Uncle Mikey for review? No personal attacks please. (May Issue Stereophile Vol.3, No.5; Analog Corner)
Audiopile.... If you don't have anything good to say, why say anything???

I like the Michael Fremmers. He very nice man, I think. I watch the DVD movie program he make and have hand party explosion while I watch him talk records.
Dear Gregadd: Sorry to take your thread for this:

Some Agoner send me an email asking for something ( Brinkman/Transrotor ) unfortunatelly my computer blokade his email and I losted ( I'm terrible with computers ), please email me again.

Regards and enjoy the music.
