townsend rock reference mkv

one of the most regrettable things i EVER did was sell my origional rock reference tt
for about 5 years i have tried to replace that tt only to find they sell used like hotcakes.
finally there is A new mk5 version availiable
has anybody tried this yet?
I heard one today and was shell shocked as to how good this deck actually is
a home demo has been booked
this is without doubt the quietest tt i have ever heard
and yet it delivers!!!!
my wife is going to kill me!
all the best
Actually that currency mark is British Pound Sterling.

That means the turntable is $8975.00 US Dollars and the arm is another $4787.00. A total of $13762.00 at today's conversion rate.
hi all
just had the home demo
this deck is absolutely AWESOME!
It is more master tape like in its musical presentation than any other deck i have experienced
I am impressed and have ordered one
all the best
Silly me!

Lordy, I thought it was six "K", nine puts it a whole 'nother stratosphere. There is some seriously sick competition in that range - Galibier Gavia w/ Gavia platter, Redpoint Model A, Amazon Reference, Verdier Platine, Nottingham Dais, etc.

No wonder he's worried about his wife finding out.
My girlfriend has stated that if I ever really screw up, and screw up BIG(cheating, crime, etc.), there's is only one thing likely to help her get past it - Manolo Blahnik, and LOTS of it, regularly.