Subwoofer: should we even use them at all?

Dear Community,

For years, I looked forward to purchasing a subwoofer. However, I recently became friends with someone in this field who is much more knowledgable than me. His system sounds amazing. He told me that subwoofers should be avoided because of the lack of coherence that inheres in adding a subwoofer. What do you guys think? I currently use Verity Parsifol Ovations.
I agree with Martykl...a good combination is tough to beat in my opinion.

I cannot say if my own X1/Grand Slamms plus Velodyne DD18 would work for others...but it works for me. And I know more owners of the big Wilsons who DO use Subs with them (in parallel...not cutting off the Wilsons) than those who do NOT use them.

At below 40hz, I honestly find the solidity of foundation is wonderful, and I find the 'blending' to be quite good after months and months of fine tuning every few weeks.
Hi all.
Bo1972 - dynamics is no problem wherever the dd18 is placed. It is a very forceful sub. The trouble is integration, as I am sure everyone here is aware of. If you think the sub is too slow, do the obvious thing, move it up front, closer to the listening position. Works quite well with the DD18. For space reasons this is not so easy for me. James Romeyn (associated with Audiokinesis) suggested, if you have to line it up more towards the wall, turn it to 90 degrees phase. This has worked well in my context, using big bipole speakers.
Dynamics is something totally different than response. This is what is the weakest part of Velodyne.

I like the drive and eq system of the DD18 when I heard it the first time. But still I didn't like the integration.

I have showed this to some Velodyne owners at my home. Then it is easy to understand what a faster resonse does.

This makes a subwoofer go to a different level.

Then you get stealth low freq. I am Always looking for the best. This search never stops. People often ask to me if life is not more difficult to be so demanding. In my view it is not. It is who I am. Doesn't cost a lot of energy, it works just natural.

In audio it needs to be the best, the rest I don't!
That is why people can feel offended. I want the best for my clients as well. I want for them they same level as I want for myself. There is not difference, that is why I think and work for my clients as I do for my self.
Hi Bo1972, as an owner of Velodyne DD18 (original), I think I know where you are coming from. How is the DD18+ by comparison?

Have you ever heard JL Audio, Krell Master Ref Sub or the new Magico QSub? Just curious since it would be fun to hear from someone who has. I certainly have read many good things about JL, but curious if you've heard them how you would compare them with my trust old DD18. Thank you!!
I have heard the DD18 several times. Not the DD18+

I never heard the DD18 reach the stealth speed I have at home. This is my Reference level of timing. So I compare everything with this quality. When it is less, it is fully useless in my world.

A know a few person which I sold cables who own JL subwoofers. You don't see them here a lot in the Netherlands.

I never liked any Krell speaker. It is better just focus on one thing....for them it is amps.

Magico subwoofer is of an extreme price. When there is a demo here in Holland, I will go for a listen.