I envy what you know, not what you have

A gonner for a few years, I've built a system that makes me happy.

The room, speakers, amps, a tollerant wife; what more can you ask?--- musical knowledge!

I've read postings, as we all have, from those on Audiogon who carry the most weight; their experience in both, music and gear, define their reputation.

I will mention a few in alphabetical order; I'm sure I will offend many since since I need to finish this thread before Sue comes in to say that supper is ready, It's 9 PM. early tonight!

Albert Porter, Clio, Dougdeacon, Rauliregas, Rushton, Sirspeedy, Audiophile, and many more, to hell with the alphabet -- I know I've missed many, I'm sorry.

This thread is both a statement and a question. How many of you have made a decision that improved your audio experience because of one of the many top flight Audiogonners' postings? Did you ever let them know you're happy that you capitalized on their knowledge and experience? Even if you did , now is the time to say thanks, I know I will!!


Many have helped me with equipment decisions, to understand tubes, to select amazing new music and to enjoy community. I extend deep appreciation and thanks.
I've benefited from many folks here. Since I joined 3 years ago I've initiated 28 threads - usually seeking help from the experts. I have tried to convey my profound thanks to all who responded to those threads.

I've also learned so much more through following the daily discussion, and searching the archives anytime I've had a problem. Many of the folks named above are contributing their expertise in these discussions, but there are posts from many others who may not be the "usual authority" but have experience with a given piece of equipment, or expertise in something only slightly related to audio. It's this breadth of information that's been contributed by so many that creates the great wealth of this site. I'm grateful to all contributors!
We wouldn't have gotten back into vinyl, acquired so much great music, gear and knowledge (or spent so much money!) without the encouragement, enthusiasm and open helpfulness of regular contributors to this forum.

First among those (for us) was Twl, who guided so many here until he largely "retired" a couple years ago. Rushton, 4yanx, zaikesman and too many others to name also played valuable roles in our own progression. Raul and SirSpeedy, with whom I've shared a few tiffs, have taught me things I didn't know and a measure of humility too.

Whoever has helped, we've tried to thank and we hereby thank again. Rushton summed up our feelings about this place pretty well, and Raul pointed out what a great resource it has grown into. Friends, music and knowledge all rolled into one experience. What could be better?
A real compliment,to be mentioned in this company( I don't deserve this),and my own humility has been tested,and polished over time.I have definitely learned,and experimented from many subscribers here.My own personal approach to this forum is to read it,and "ponder" much of the comments.I then weed out the stuff that I find interesting,which pertains to what I want to accomplish,in my own listening, and research "that" particular point.FUN and...

As a matter of fact I am leaning towards biting the bullet,and moving to a new Tonearm,which has been influenced by my own listening observations,as well as feedback gotten from this fabulously entertaining(even during times of strife -:)forum.
Thanks,and best of luck.
I have certainly been directed towards, as well as away from certain components by knowlegable members with first hand experience. I have also learned of cost effective tweeks. Best example- Deflex panels behind the woofers in my Spendor SP100s. Very cheap, very effective.