VPI mechanical anti-skate devise

does anyone have any experence with setup,
what differences did you experence with the change,
did anyone go back to the wire twist after,
hello Sschwepler i had to call to get mine and dont know if i want to try it. glad that you have your rig tuned in and playing well.
i am thinking i will give it a try. they did not send any instructions but elusive disc has the whole install on there web site.
you are liking the mechanical better i take it.
VPI says that its not important. I don't use it at all with very favorable results. Its up to you.

I have not installed mine and not recommended by VPI. MF DVD shows how to set up the A/S device.

well i guess that Harry succumbed to the pressure to design a mechanical devise. it looks to be a very simple devise like most others on various tone arms.
i am happy with my wire twist and i am not going to install it at this time.
but i must say the explorer in me says find out what the differences are between the two.
after installing and using the devise i am going to go on record as saying its a much better way to apply anti skate.
i have been using the new devise four weeks now IMO it works superior to the twist method. after time the wires relax and you slowly loose balance.
with the new devise you have to experiment with the supplied rings and there position on the rod. when dialed in your done.
in the end a better widget.
thanks vpi.