Help with VPI Mk 19 Jr.

Just picked up a Mk 19 jr and would like a few recommendations.

What mats would you recommend?

Also, the AQ6 tonearm did not come with the template that Michael Froemmer recommends in his setup video disk, and the Vinyl Engine website template was not useful. I need to set up the waypoints for the cartridge alignment. Any suggestions?
I had and enjoyed a 19Jr for a long time, super great table. I would not use a mat on it at all. Get a lint free cloth and clean the platter with the old style windex. You can get a template from Audioquest, it is the same dimension as the PT-9. You should enjoy this table a lot.
Hello, the Jr acrylic platter, like the Scout and many other VPI platters is not meant for a mat, kind of defeats the purpose of the platter. You do have the white platter ??

Like said, go to the Audioquest site, and find the PT-9 instructions., go to the accesories tab, drop down the menu, and go to Vital Vinyl, and you will scroll down to see the PT-9 and a tab for instructions.
Hello Blowfin, I've been a HW-19 owner since 1997.
Mine started as a Jr also. If you have mats lying around, and want to try one, there wont be a problem in doing so, as long as you remember, you'll have to remove the Rubber Spindle Washer. You can even try clampless with this method, it's up to you, and what sound you find you prefer.

As others mention, it will sort of defeat the design, and of course, the clamping system helps eliminate any slight warpage some of your LPs may possess.

The "VPI" theory, was that by coupling the LP to Platter, this would thus eliminate resonances. I suppose mats of whatever type, and material accomplish this to varying degrees also.

I myself also use the AQ Arm, and use the Baerwald method of alignment, the Mobile Fidelity GeoDisc with good results. Mark
I guess I am just not getting it but the template on the website is not like the template in the dvd which rests perpendicular to the platter and shows the various waypoint the cartridge should meet while traveling the path of the tonearm arc. The template on the website has the spindle hole impossibly close to the tonearm?

Just clueless here, I guess.