Inner sleeves versus none?

Hi. I recently bought about 70 albums from a personal collection. Interestingly, the guy used no inner sleeves - just had albums stuck inside the cover. I have been buying the nicer inner sleeves to replace the harsh paper ones in my own collection and was curious to see these records of his in pretty minty condition!! How can that be? Do you think he just used good equipment and that is the difference or is no inner sleeve a real option??? Please chime in before I invest more in inner sleeves. Oh - albums were from 1971 to mid 80s if that matters. Thanks!
The reason for the inner sleeves is DUST. Another four letter word.
If s/he lived in a well cared for and cleaned space, sans kids and animals with fur, poodles allowed, had racks for the albums, and placed them with the open record end on the inside of the rack, so that you would see the title edge on the outside, it might work.
Sleeves are a safer and more sure way of avoiding DUST and other hazzards.
Those are my thoughts for what they are worth.
I'd say he lucked out. Don't take the chance. Spend $20 bucks and get some good inner sleeves.
No, The thing is most likly he pulled them out much less than normal usage.I would say to use inner sleeves the rice paper ones or the ones to your liking are fine.
I have found that over time the cardboard from the jacket will get imbedded into the vinyl all though a good cleaning will get it out. Stick with the inner sleeves the rice ones.