Should I replace my LP12?

I've had an LP12 for the past 23 years. In that time, I've done all the suspension upgrades. It still has the Valhala supply. It also has the original Ittok arm, but a Goldmund platter. It has served me well and still works fine. However, I'm thinking that it might be time to go for a new, quite different approach to analog. I could save my pennies and get the Keel upgrade, new arm, etc, but maybe I'm simply ready for a change. I'm thinking I could get around $2.5k for what I have, including Clearaudio cartridge. My problem is where to go next for about the same money? The Pro-Ject tables look interesting as to the VPIs. I'd like to trade the LP12 signature lower mids for something crisper with a very sweet top end. I'm a tube guy so that might be considered a guiding principle. Any thoughts?
Pscialli, I think the dealer might be the only sure source for a Linn platter. Finding bits and pieces on AudioGon or Ebay is spotty at best for a non-upgradeable component but, not impossible. If you’re running a goldmund platter, is the spindle a Linn component with the Cirkus? I had no idea that such a thing was available. It leaves me curious to whether your non-Linn upgrades are helping or hurting or just changing the flavor. If I were you, I would pack up my table, go to Gifted Listener (who I've heard excellent feedback about) and A/B your table against a similar Lp12. I realize that it will be nearly impossible to do a real apples to apples comparison but, it may help you understand if the true Lp12 sound is vastly different than yours and whether you truly dig the groove it makes or if you need to head in a different direction entirely. On the chance that you like what you hear than comes the hard part of sorting out what has to happen with your deck. It sounds as if the rest of your set-up is of a good caliber so I don’t recognize a mismatch there. Personally, I would look at upgrades in this order 1.Lingo, 2.Ekos, then 3. Keel and agree whole heartedly with Newmanoc comments as far as value is concerned. The Lp12 on the used marked is a tough act to follow for the dollar. IMHO nothing comes close in total package, musically.

Happy Listening
Don't trade just for the sake of it! I traded my Lp12 on a VPI Scout because I was looking at a Cirkus Lingo Ekos or Ittok (I only had a basik plus) What a disapointment the VPI was. Yes it was much quieter but dead, dead, dead! Now I coughed up the dough and bought a used Ekos (sent the arm back to upgrade to Ekos II) and Cirkus Lingo and can't say how much better the arm is still in Scotland. LP12's are awesome. That you have had one for 23 years speaks volumes! Just buy and enjoy. I loved mine for 7 years. In two weeks the VPI was sitting in a box waiting for a buyer. That you can get 2.5k for your LP12 and there has been over 100k produced speaks volumes about the LP12. I won't stray again. Best source I have ever heard and yesterday I heard the unidisk, nice but NO Lp12!
I'm sort of in a similar boat. As far as I know, there is no Linn TT dealer here in the SF Bay Area any more, so upgrades and proper setup become a real problem, which is why I think about moving on to something else.

07-11-07: Drubin
I'm sort of in a similar boat. As far as I know, there is no Linn TT dealer here in the SF Bay Area any more...
According to the "Dealer Finder" on Linn's website (, there are Linn dealers in San Jose, San Rafael, Sebastopol, Burlingame, and Saratoga.

I'd be really surprised if they've all folded or dropped Linn.
Thanks. Only one of those is a "turntable specialist", which is
what I
would need, but that's better than none. Has anyone used Access to Music
LP12 set-up or upgrades?

Oh, I see there's also one in San Jose -- Ultimate Control. Never heard of
them, but good to know.