VPI RCM 17 F trouble, very urgent NEED HELP......

I am running into problems constantly. The matt platter runs loose after cleaning 2 or 3 records at a time. I have to remove the matt platter and tighten the shaft screws. I am growign tired of this excercise. I was wondering if there is any thing that can be done to fix this issue.

I will also call up VPI and ask about this problem, and see that they have to say.

Grainger part number-- 3m099, Typhoon motor number is -3m153.

You can adapt the typhoon motor to the 16.5 by drilling a few holes in the mounting plate of the 16.5. The balls of the typhoon motor is worth the few minutes it would take to redrill a few holes.

Ken, I'm a little lost as to which motor in the VPI RCM you've been talking about. Is this the motor that spins the platter, or the vacuum motor that pulls the fluid off the surface?
Hello Ken, Thank you for this information. I 'm a little confused, and unsure what you mean by "The balls of the Typhoon Motor"?

Are you saying that the Typhoon Motor is a better Motor that the 16.5 Motor, because it has better bearings in it?, or? Can you better explain please? Thank you. Mark

The Typhoon motor, 3m153, is both physically larger than the motor used in the 16.5, 3M099, and turns at 20 rpm as comparred to 18 rpm for the 16.5 motor. While there is a difference in size between the two, there is ample room in the 16.5 for the larger Typhoon motor.
