whistling in the ears

anyone else dealing with this curse? comes and goes. in my early 50's(52.5), finaly getting a system that sounds the way i have alwayes dreamed and this f---ing whistling starts, whats next? my sight. at lease sence of smell will improve. suppose god is getting back at me for not believing in him/her. iorny at its worst.
I have it too, it's called tinnitus. It's not a disease, it's a direct result of things like noise damage, ear infections, etc. For me, according to the doc, it comes from having bad TMJ (jaw displacement/popping) plus playing in rock bands all my life. Doc has me wearing a retainer type deal at night which helps some, but it's still there.
There is no tinnitus cure, just things you can do to help reduce it. There are a few website with lots of info and treatments, surf away and see if you can determine what caused/is causing yours.
One note: William Shatner suffers from it, evidently, it drives him quite crazy. You would think it would've been Spock!
Sounds like you have a condition known as Tinnitus. Do a Google search. There's a ton of info. on it. Good luck.