Good low-price cartridge for listening to rock.

Currently, I have an Ortofon Super OM10 mounted to a Music Hall MMF5, Ballari pre-amp, Cerwin Vega LS-10s, and a Cayin 50T amp. Origionally, I was thinking about a OM20 needle upgrade but I have read some negative reports on it. Was also considering a Grado Gold, but I tend to shy away from it because I have heard some problems with those cartridges as well. One cartridge that looks interesting according to the reviews is the AT440MLa by Audio Technica - everybody seems to rave about it and says it can be compete with cartridges that are far more money.

Does anybody have any suggestions or comments on the cartridge.
Yes I have used ZYX cartridges (R50 BLOOM) for example which do a nice job for the money, talk to Mehran from Sorasound.
Well the Grado that Marantz4me was considering is $180 and the AT is $89. The Zyx at $600 MSRP seems a little steep for the "low price" category but maybe Mehran will discount it to $200.
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