Grand Prix Monaco review in new Stereophile- OUCH

Anyone read Fremer's review of the Grand Prix Monaco in the latest Stereophile?

Ouch that has to hurt. I am familar with the design of this table, and of course on paper it seems groundbreaking, but if I were in the market for a $20K table, (I'm not) this review would completely kill my interest in this seemingly stellar product.

Any other opinions?

(actually this is a great issue of Stereophile - lots of gear I am intersted in)
I too was pretty disappointed with the outcome of the review.... Even though I can't afford the table now, it's design was very interesting.

I have a Garrard 301 that I restored and love (no I didn't do it for love of vintage audio, or because of price... I was just curious). The table sounds better (to me) than anything else I have heard, but does have some trade-offs. Given my priorities I was really hoping the new DD technology would solve all..... Oh well, anyone compared the GPA to the new Teres?

My read on the review is that Fremer thought it was a very fine sounding and well engineered/built product that only paled in comparison to his reference turntable which cost 4x as much as the Monaco. Also, carefully read his comments on the sonic failings of the Monaco. Much of it reads like audiophile audiophile bullshit talk.
Not to change the subject to another product..BUT, MF just did a review of the Merrill-Scillia Research MS21 turntable and also seemed to 'damn it with faint praise". It likewise does not seem worth "24 large". It's interesting to see how many manufacturers are aiming for the above 20K price bracket - the price of a reasonable but not luxurious car.

Ouch is really approptiate. Did anyone read the Merrill-Scillia MS21 Reference Turntable review in the same issue - also by Fremer. Lots of direct comparisons with the Gran Prix. Here is a turntable at about the same price that it seems like Fremer would reccomend.

I have heard the Gran Prix, and really liked it.

Best of luck with your product choices,

Dear friends: I think that the Monaco " takes " by surprise to Mr. Fremer and he " resist " to think that what he was heard is right.

For many years Mr. Fremer, like many of us, were accustom to the belt drive distrortions/colorations, our brain is already equalized to the belt drive " signature " sound and because we are accustom to it we think is the right and only way to heard the analog magic in a TT.
Suddenly Mr. fremer heard something that is really accurate with lower in distortions/colorations ( against a belt drive system, including what he owns. )and these facts are " news " for him/us and does not like him and that's all.

Now, the opinion of Mr. fremer is only one very experience opinion but does not means that the Monaco is not a great top quality performer.

Maybe, IMHO, the question for Mr. Fremer is not what he likes or what he does not likes about the Monaco performance but which one is truer to the recording, the Monaco or his Caliburn?, because one thing is what Mr. Fremer or any of us likes to hear/heard and other very different what is on the recording.

Accuracy is a must on audio and specially on a TT and specially for real music lovers, which one leave us nearer the recording the one with almost perfect accuracy or the one not almost perfect accuracy?. Very hard to say because how Mr. fremer or any one of us could know what is really on the recording, very complex.

Now, like I say Mr. fremer is one opinion, here is another expert opinion:

Regards and enjoy the music.