Grand Prix Monaco review in new Stereophile- OUCH

Anyone read Fremer's review of the Grand Prix Monaco in the latest Stereophile?

Ouch that has to hurt. I am familar with the design of this table, and of course on paper it seems groundbreaking, but if I were in the market for a $20K table, (I'm not) this review would completely kill my interest in this seemingly stellar product.

Any other opinions?

(actually this is a great issue of Stereophile - lots of gear I am intersted in)

See my links in the posts just before yours...all is revealed by Denon...lots of differences, actually...

I don't want to be a spoil sport, but this thread is not about a low to mid-price Denon tt; it is about sturm and drang over a review and the reviewer of megabuck (almost hypothetical due to cost) tt's in a magazine. Carry on.
My loss for never trying a Denon, turntable that is, and here is a quote from a Japanese website from a well known (?) equipment reviewer who gave it a:

☆DR.IGARASHI 今日のBeer指数 90% !!☆

I like the beer reference here, and 90% is not bad for a dd tt that claims the same speed accuracy as the GPA Monaco: 0.002%!!! I wonder where the Monaco or the Continuum ranks in their world ...

Lewn, a low-mid priced tt is currently defined as in the $1-2000 range? What are we squandering our hard earned money on...

Keep smiling :-) when you spin those records!