Want to Start vinyl

My wife and I want to restart our vinyl collection for ourselves and so that out 2 year old will know what a record is one day! There is more than ipod. I have no clue about how to get back into records. I have a pretty good HT and 2 channel set up, so any advice on $500 to $2000 for record player is apprecaited. Thank you
hopefully the kid will grow up wanting to play an insrument and not a stereo.
I have to chime in on the thrill of the hunt which for whatever reason is definitely gratifying for me. I live in a small midwestern town and I still run into numerous oportunities that seem to come my way unsolicited. That moment when you find a known gem or when you discover an unknown one are magic. Even when they don't turn out to be so pristine and aren't exactly musical Mona Lisas it can be very fun especially when you've picked them up for 50 cents at a yard sale. After twenty some years of actively collecting my enthusiasm for wading through endless boxes of disorganized dreck has definitely slowed but it hasn't stopped completely yet. Have a blast and don't look back.
i can see tater's point of view.i don't always have access to used record stores where i live so i am glad those internet stores are around.i can easily spend a couple of hours looking through the bins of the brick and mortars when i get to one.