New Cart? Best all around performer...MM or HO

Thinking about a new cart, while putting the system through some changes. I'm looking for a good all round performer. I listen to a variety of music. Mainly Alt-Co, Rock, Acoustic, and Jazz.

Running an MMF-5 with Slee Era Gold. I would like a good warmth, but with detail (I'd imagine that about any cart would be steps above the 1012gx in there now).

I'm wanting to spend up to about 700 or so. I've seen some CA Maestro's at that range on here before. Also, thinking about some Dyna's, Virtuoso Wood, Beta Aurum S. Or, how is the goldring S's a perfect fit, just a stylus replacement, and said to be better.

I've read the beta aurum s is good for rock and jazz. Any other input, I'd appreciate it greatly.
Although I curently use a ZYX R100, it replaced a Grado Sonata, which does midrange very well and HF/LF adequately for a MM. My friend uses a CA Maestro and has nothing but great things to say about it, especially comparing it to MC's he's had in the past. Fremer also said some very positive things about the CA in Stereophile.
The grado sonata is listed as 1.5 and the Era Gold says it will take to a 2.5, so I worry it would be too low output.
It sounds like you want a Benz cartridge. Very musical with a comforting warmth...
Stringreen: what would you suggest...$700 max, will buy used, if low hours...but, with using the Era Gold, it states I can only go as low as 2.5
Coming from Shelter 901, I had to switch to Sumiko Blackbird to better match my integrated amp. I don't think I lost anything in terms of details, speed, dynamic, soundstage, and transparency. In fact, many areas improved. Yes, it could be because of the better match to my arm (JMW-9 Sig) and integrated (Plinius 9200).