Cartridge for Thorens TD-160

I just bought a solid looking TD-160, my first foray in vinyl in about twenty years. It's all stock, including the arm. Anyone have any suggestions for good, reasonably priced cartridge? $2-400 range? Anyone ever use a Sumiko Blue Point Special on one of these things? Shure carts seems popular too. Thanks
Viridian is completely wrong on this one! The best gravy is my mother's roast beef gravy, over barely mashed potatos with a little pepper. If there's an audiophile gravy, it's my mother's.

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See. You try to break bad habits - like too many four letter words - by using quaint phrases like 'good gravy' and the next thing you know you've started a 'so close, but no lumps' debate.

Still one of these %$^@#! days I'm gonna get my @%&#! turntable!
High output Blue point special is a good one. Many claim it's one of the best values in analog set-up. That is if you heat it up with the blue flame and use moms gravy on red skinned potaturds. Who on earth would use canned gravy ? Must be a, city folks trying to get it right.