yet another KAB mod question

Is the threaded clamp worth the 100 dollar price increase over the non-threaded model?--Cheers
I didn't get the clamp because it looks ugly (in the photos) and it only works with the kab threaded spindle. I would have a hard time believing someone who said that the KAB clamp sounded better than some other clamp or better yet, a heavy record weight which doesn't require pressing down to secure it (unless they really compared the two ...and how many people have two tables, one modded w/ the clamp and one modded but w/o the clamp to do that?) Why get stuck with one clamp when you can try many?

Have you bought your technics yet?
So which of the upgrades are most highly recommended? And while I'm at it, is there any meaningful difference between between the three available models of the SL1200?
Drubin KAB's website has a comparison chart on the differences between the tables. But basically
lamp/standard arm,LED/standard arm,LED/titanium finished arm with OCF wiring, and adjustable braking on the 1210M5G.

Kublakhan: KAB's Clamps are either friction fit or screw on because you shouldn't put a heavy record clamp on a direct drive, the platter is floating on magnets. This thread should have stated Technics SL1200 models to help clear this up.. otherwise you are correct about different clamps.
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