Where s the bass?

My system - Sony CD player, Pass Labs X0 preamp & X600 amps, Thiel 7.2 and Transparent Reference cables. I believe the sound is open, transparent, and dynamics. However I just wish I could put an emphasis on the bottom end. Tone controls are not available on high quality Class A preamps, such as the X0. While I understand that adding one more component in the signal paths is not desirable as it will further degrade the sound, I would like to hear your opinions on the best way to boost the bottom end. Thank you.
Must agree with Dekay; try experimenting with different upgrade AC cables on all components to recover tonal balance / synergy.
I own the Thiel CS 6 and find that the Genesis 900 subwoofer really helps in boosting bass. The 900 can be crossed over at just the right level.I mean good bass sound and not sloopy. Thiel is also coming out with a sub of there own and it sounds promising!
get a pair of hi-quality subs. that way ewe don't have to compromise the thiel's imaging/soundstaging to get better bass. whil i personally prefer passive subs w/an outboard electric x-over & separate amplification, i'm prolly in the minority here, as most prefer active subs w/built-in electronics. no matter, get subs! :>) while i no longer use 'em in my main system, my thiel 3.5's, flat down to 20hz, benefitted from subs...

good luck, doug s.

Try JPS SuperConductor 2 interconnects if you can. The bass is awesome - deep and tight,with incredible resolution.