Has Anyone Removed & Replaced the VPI Arm

I have a Superscoutmaster with a Signature 9 inch arm. I am returning the arm for the 10.5i to VPI under an exchange program. VPI promised instructions with the new arm, but I was wondering if anyone has done it. I have replaced arms before, but the current arm sits on the very thick plinth of the SSM. There is no attaching bolt..only a very deep hole from under the arm.
I need to understand how you can swap out a 9 inch arm for a 10 inch. Don't you need to redrill the plinth for the 10 inch arm as that will require relocating the mounting point for the 10.5?
That was my thought exactly, however, if you go to the VPI website, they are offering that particular upgrade. ( they mension it in big type right on their home page) When I talked to them, they said it was a very easy swap, and that the table didnt have to be redrilled. They did say, that 2 small holes had to be drilled for little screws, and they said it was very easy to do.

Good question, but the answer's easy to discern from product photos.

The JMW 9 and 9 Sig's mounting shaft is located directly beneath the arm's pivot point.

The mounting shaft for higher model JMW's is located beneath the VTA tower, not beneath the arm bearings. This offset moves the pivot point farther from the spindle.

In addition, the photos make it look like you could rotate these arms in the mounting hole. This would let you fine tune mounting distance before locking it down, which would also give you the opportunity to try different alignment schemes.

I've never actually worked with a JMW so I can't really answer Stringreen. Are you sure there's no set screw through the side of the plinth? Maybe just a small hole (or two) for a hex key? I'm just speculating....