The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
Hales Transcendence 8s with VTL, Wadia and Cardas. Hands down the best system I have heard. Now, I know we are talking speakers here, but the other equipment will make or break it for the speakers. There are many possible recipes out there, so I felt it vital to list the whole recipe and not just an ingredient(a very important ingredient, but one none the less) to the music.
Shadorne, all of FC's products are amazing tuning devices ... the size of the speaker was not a criteria for me, although size has certain advantages, as was a life-like music experience. If that sound came in a smaller package it would have convinced me too. But you are right, the ease of control, dynamics, and tunefulness in the MM3 closed system powered subwoofers is easily one criterium that separates the boys from men in speakerland.

Those tuning devices play a BIG role in controlling and tuning base in my room.
Mtkhl567 said, "Those tuning devices play a BIG role in controlling and tuning base in my room."

I ask, how do they do that? And what do they do?
Just wondering.

Bob, if I tell you I'd have to shoot you ... just kidding. To be honest their exact complete physical/psychological workings are beyond my tiny brain. But like any audiophile I try and make up my own opinion by trying them out. And I didn't just try them out, researched their origins, and try and comphrehend its technical aspects, I also heard other's experiences and opinions, heard them in other rooms. Extensive a/b testing etc.

These things really work, and are especially welcome to audiophiles whose main living room is the actual room where the system resides. No big bass traps, panels etc. therefore a high WAF.

You can start by reading the series of reviews. These are as unbiased a group of audiophiles that exists.
Hi Mtkhl567, Thanks for your answer, I will do a little research myself.
