Have You Heard The Sound Burger?

Many years ago, Audio Technica came up with a portable device to play records called the Sound Burger. I was wondering if anyone has ever listened to one of these, and how it sounded if you have?

It seems like a great tool for taking to second-hand shops to test records for the background noise that you can't see on the surface.
I had one but moved on to the more compact "Sound Hot Dog" which is smaller and moves across the record as needed to track the lp.
Hey U Dusty,

Years ago I remember seeing some "portable record playing devices". One looked like a little VW Beetle toy car. But, it had a phono needle on the bottom and a speaker in the top. I think it was battery powered. You sat it on the rocord and it "drove" around the record and played the record.

I'll bet these things are serious collectors items now. I wish I had bought one at the time.

BTW, there is a Cinci Audio Geekfest this weekend if you are interested. See my post on the Cincinnati Club forum.


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