the 47 lab RS-A1 arm, and it's clone ?

suggest this arm, and I really like the idea . does any one know the best way to pick one up used if possible? they were $500 , from japan years ago .
what are your experiences [ in sound ] ? if it's about this price I will get one .
Is there a DIY clone out there ?
The arm is apparently unique -- no clone -- and the $500 days seem long past.
Be sure you're up to it; This thing is one of the finest-sounding arms I've ever
tried -- had it in my system for over a month -- but also the most maddening.
Arm lift sucks and no cueing lever, very difficult to get into the lead-in grooves
(and out again at the end of a record) without mishap. You need a steady hand
and a cartridge that will take abuse but, as I said, it sounds absolutely great.

PS The cartridge cannot be a threaded one, BTW, or one that installs from
underneath. And the arm wiring is VERY fragile.
I think the price is at least $1100 these days, still a relative bargain if you can deal with its idiosyncracies. I actually heard it at Dopogue's home. During a recent trip to Tokyo, I tried to find the RS-A1 in several of the high end audio shops. There were none on display, and my communication skills were such that I did not get any information on it. Next time I go (to visit my son who lives there), I will get him to translate for me. By the way, I mentioned to you that it is made by 47 Labs. This is to the best of my knowledge, but I am not even sure it's correct. In a sense you might say that the current product is a "clone" since it is no longer made by the original company that marketed it. The construction breaks EVERY accepted rule of tonearm design, which I guess is a commentary on tonearm design and the engineering thereof.
Price on these for a new arm is $1350.

Here's some information from their website:

I am interested in the RS-A1, however, I'm not sure I have the patience for it.
Do you think with time and handling, a person can use it with ease and use it as a primary arm?
Which cart did you hear it with?
Can you describe the sound, compare it to other arms?