Tbg, I don't think you read Rgordonpf's post very carefully. He offered good comments on four different arms based on personal use. He pointed out one (the VPI) was particularly useful for anyone making frequent cartridge changes because ONCE the VTF and azimuth has been set, a second arm tube allows cartridge swaps without going through as many set up steps again. I did not read any of his statements relating sound quality to ease of initial set up.
Also Dmgrant1, don't confuse Rgordonpf's comments on ease of swapping cartridges on the VPI with initial set up. The VPI is somewhat unique in that not just the arm tube is changed but the whole upper arm above the pivot point. This means once cartridge mounting, alignment, VTF, and azimuth have been set, upper arms can be exchanged with only resetting VTA by a marked dial being necessary. Initial set up on a VPI is not particularly difficult but not necessarily easier than with others.
Regardless of which arm and which length you choose, ease of set up will relate to having the appropriate tools for the task, steady hands, and a bit of patience.