I'm certainly not in disagreement with your assessments of the AQ Arm JCarr/PiedPiper.
While a very good "what I call entry level audiophile Arm", there's not much path for improvement for upgrades/tweaks with this Arm.
Why have I never heard/read about a Cardas-Incognito rewire to this arm? Is it because they stuffed the arm-wand like a freaking cannoli, and nobody can inside this arm to do the required Mods? This is the impression I get.
I'm limited to Arms, as I'm still using the 19-Jr MDF one piece Plinth. Linn, and a couple of others I understand will work for a quick, painless swap out. Trying to find a new Acrylic/Stainless Plinth, and Separate Armboard to be drilled for Arm of choice will not be an easy task I'm afraid. VPI has appeared to cease all support with this model.
I do understand that there are other very important qualities to an Arm besides just wiring. There's certainly no comparison of an AQ PT Arm, to a TOTL Graham, or SME.
Yes, in a ridiculous, insane sense, one could mount a $4500 Lyra Titan to a $44 Plastic Garrard Table, but as we all know, the Lyra would suffer a very horrible existence on such a Table.
I'd actually like keeping my 19 Turntable. It's got soul, and personality, even though it's meager to much that's out there now. How I wish years ago, I would've at least sprung for the VPI Aries, which was within my budget then, but I flinched. Is it too late? lol Mark
While a very good "what I call entry level audiophile Arm", there's not much path for improvement for upgrades/tweaks with this Arm.
Why have I never heard/read about a Cardas-Incognito rewire to this arm? Is it because they stuffed the arm-wand like a freaking cannoli, and nobody can inside this arm to do the required Mods? This is the impression I get.
I'm limited to Arms, as I'm still using the 19-Jr MDF one piece Plinth. Linn, and a couple of others I understand will work for a quick, painless swap out. Trying to find a new Acrylic/Stainless Plinth, and Separate Armboard to be drilled for Arm of choice will not be an easy task I'm afraid. VPI has appeared to cease all support with this model.
I do understand that there are other very important qualities to an Arm besides just wiring. There's certainly no comparison of an AQ PT Arm, to a TOTL Graham, or SME.
Yes, in a ridiculous, insane sense, one could mount a $4500 Lyra Titan to a $44 Plastic Garrard Table, but as we all know, the Lyra would suffer a very horrible existence on such a Table.
I'd actually like keeping my 19 Turntable. It's got soul, and personality, even though it's meager to much that's out there now. How I wish years ago, I would've at least sprung for the VPI Aries, which was within my budget then, but I flinched. Is it too late? lol Mark