Need advice on a headshell wieght for a JMW9 arm?

I recently set up a Scoutmaster in my 2 channel rig. I installed a new sealed "old" stock Benz Glider (from the first run series) over this past weekend. The Scoutmaster counter wieght maxes out my stylus gauge at 1.6 grams. The reccommended wieght for the glider is 1.8 to 2.2 grams. VPI sells a chunky little 3 gram counterwieght. Since I only need .6 more grams, I think it is overkill. Can anyone recommend something less bulky and intrusive. And hopefully something that won't make me have to re-align the cart (I am a newbie, and can't believe I nailed it my first time, on a nude stylus to boot. Man does this vinyl stuff sound good!!)

Thanks in advance for your help.
While it is true that you will only need 0.6 more grams to reach the recommended maximum 2.2 grams, your arm's counterweight will still be at it's maximum position along the arm tube. In general, it is better to have the counterweight positioned approximately midway along its two maximum positions, once you have found the best VTF - this will allow the arm to track better. So that 3 gram spacer may not be such overkill after all, but I would think a 2 gram spacer weight would work for you. Call music direct, elusive disc or needle doctor to see what they have in stock. If using a spacer weight, you will need to remove the cartridge to install it and realign.

My own main arm is a JMW 10.5. I personally prefer to have the counterweight
as close to the pivot point as possible and have never experienced any tracking
difficulty with that approach. In situations like yours with lightweight carts, I've
simply affixed some small pieces of Mortite (plumber's putty) up under the
headshell where it's not noticeable, and smoothed them with a flat tool of some
kind. This also provides a bit of resonance damping, and it's easily removable if
you decide to try something else. If it doesn't offend you esthetically, it should
do the trick :-)