I owned a B&O 3000 with the tangential arm for more than 20 years. With the MMC3 it put out pretty good sound and I maintain they remain the most stylishly engineered components ever. But then, I like minimalist Swedish furniture, too, so that's just personal taste.
But, after my second $400 repair on the tracking arm and staring at several hundred dollars for new cartridges, I bought a Rega P1 more than a year ago and have been very, very happy.
I sprung for the glass platter upgrade and the sound out of the Rega is easily equal and I think better. Great clarity and range. Now, I am not somebody in a position to plunk down $5K for a turntable. Someday I may spring for a Rega P3 or something similar but for the casual audiophile, this is a great bang for the buck table. About $400, simple to set up and fine sound.
Also, the upside is that I sold a couple of used B&O cartridges on ebay and they just about paid for the new Rega.
But, after my second $400 repair on the tracking arm and staring at several hundred dollars for new cartridges, I bought a Rega P1 more than a year ago and have been very, very happy.
I sprung for the glass platter upgrade and the sound out of the Rega is easily equal and I think better. Great clarity and range. Now, I am not somebody in a position to plunk down $5K for a turntable. Someday I may spring for a Rega P3 or something similar but for the casual audiophile, this is a great bang for the buck table. About $400, simple to set up and fine sound.
Also, the upside is that I sold a couple of used B&O cartridges on ebay and they just about paid for the new Rega.