Tri-Planar with no anti-skate?

On a hunch I removed the AS weight entirely from my new TP 7 (Merrill table & Ortofon Kont H cart).

The sound improved to an astounding degree: tons more body, much more solid imaging.

Certainly, I must not have had the anti-skate optimally adjusted, I am curious if others prefer it this way too.
Been a while on on this thread. I've been playing around with my anti skate on my Tri planar this weekend. Seems like if I take the thread off and remove the dogleg (totally removing the mechanism from the arm), clarity goes us a notch or two. Maybe it's a lowering of the noise floor.

With the antiskate in place, and 3-4 rubber o rings as weights, seems like I get more weight to the notes.

I don't have any tracking or sibilance issues either way.

Honestly, I like both settings :) Wish I could find a way to keep the weight but goose the clarity.

Any thoughts? Using a Lyra Skala currently.

Hi jfrech. Could be related to what cartridge is being used. I know someone else who prefers AS with a Skala. I still prefer mine without AS and I'm using Dynavectors. On the Talea, all carts sound much better with that tiny bit of AS one or two o-rings provide.

dealer disclaimer: Durand Tonearms and Dynavector
Same cart, same arm, different table. Ultimately, I found that I preferred the increased resolution over the added sense of body, weight or gravity to the note; as such, I've removed the monofilament and dogleg completely. I've found that adding a tiny bit of VTF (we're talking maybe a hundredth of a gram, probably less...about a tenth of a rotation on the fine VTF) more than compensates for this loss. I assume you've also removed the damping trough completely as well.

I also find that I enjoy listening more at this time of year as it's warmer and more humid (even with AC). Not that I enjoy the heat, but something about the way sound travels through the warmer air tends to give me a greater sense of body, better dynamic shading and overall sonic density, like you can reach around each performer a bit more clearly. YMMV and all that.
Ha! Speak of the devil. :-) Ok, so at least the three of us agree on the Triplanar with no AS.