Where to start with vinyl

In your opinion what TT and cartridge would I need to buy to experience a noticable improvement over a Resolution Audio Opus 21 or similar quality ($3-4K new) CD player. Rest of system includes Rogue M-150 amps, Martin Logan Summits and tara air 1 interconnects and speaker cable.
I did the same thing.. I just got into vinyl/analog. I also have a similar system as you do (ML Summits). I purchased a VPI Scoutmaster with Dynavector 20XH cart to go with my Cary SLP-98Phono preamp. It's going to be a long process (collecting albums, getting a vacuum/cleaner, working the kinks out)... but I'm sure going to enjoy the journey.

We had the same budget and we have the same system... I'm going to look forward to hearing what you have decided for your system when the time comes. Let us know what you choose to do (or what rig you choose to buy).

I did Not asked, how much - but what do you think.
It is a simple question related to analog, isn't it ?
If you don't feel like answering, fine.
It is an open forum - NO SECRETS.

Mariusz Stark.
Other than technical information and/or specifications I feel it is improper to discuss any of my products here. Discussing the merits of my products or comparing them to others would be nothing short of self promotion IMO.

I'll leave that to oracle, bobby, and the rest.

I ask you to private email me.

The invitation stands.
A better question may have been, "Where does vinyl end?". As you may have gathered from the enthusiasts here, there's a level of commitment to this as a 'project' that you don't have with a 'plug in and play' digital rig. Nobody has even started on isolation problems, which is another mega thread. You are going to have to get used to the idea of working on your set-up to get it right. A lot of people get turned off vinyl because they don't have the knowledge or patience to make that part of it enjoyable too. If you do, then welcome to the club.
I'm not saying that modern low output cartridges are bad..they are excellent...but so are some high output moving coils. If one has a less than state of the art pre-pre, the high output cartridge allows the unit to work what wonderders it has rather than not being able to do its job properly at all. Like someone said earlier, it is a tradeoff..you give a bit of detail up, but also you give up lots of hum and noise. Which would you give up Plato..