Deep Cleaning Records With Steam?

It has happened again. Major tweak and record provider has available a steam cleaner made especially for records. Anybody try steam for cleaning lp’s? What were your results? Since a unit can be had for about $20 at Target, 15% of what the tweak provider is charging, is it worth a try?.
Stltrains, thanks for replying. I will check it out.

My friend told me that they cleaned 4 records yesterday. He is using a Loricraft machine with AI formulas. The first one they tried is a record he was intended to return to the seller since it was unlistenable. Not any more, he will keep it now. After trying that one and gainning confidence, he did 3 more which turned with a pair of improvement and one wasn't changed. Those were cleaned before with his system less steamer. He was so impressed with the results that just bought a Perfection Steamer from Walgreens too.

I cleaned a few more today wity the same great results.
Does steaming remove manufacturing residues on new records??

LAST factory sold 3/4 Oz of their power clean solution for $40! I'm really not sure if I should go for it.

Steam, properly applied with the cleanest water available can remove most if all manufacturing residues. The application of record fluids may make that cleaning more efficient , but steam is a powerful cleaner unto itself. Its important to utilize safety percautions , follow cleaning proceedures as outlined in the thread and understand no cleaning process can remove manufacturing defects and scratches. That said steam cleaning can safely improve the sound of any recording far better than RCM alone.
It sounds like steaming is a good approach to cleaning new records, and very dirty records. But, if it is so very effective at removing all grime and residue, it may be less desirable to use on lightly soiled records or as an every day sort of cleaner. This is the case with any strong cleaner because compounds added to the record, such as plasticizers, could be pulled from the surface of the record.