Deep Cleaning Records With Steam?

It has happened again. Major tweak and record provider has available a steam cleaner made especially for records. Anybody try steam for cleaning lp’s? What were your results? Since a unit can be had for about $20 at Target, 15% of what the tweak provider is charging, is it worth a try?.
My apologies to you Tiger. I was going to start a new thread on steaming by showing the video but thought it would be unfair to this thread. From reading the thread it seems as though Crem states he was the founding father of steaming.

I was really hoping by doing this, that some who saw how easy it is to steam clean LPs wound give it a try by making the video showing steaming in motion. I can hear the difference in my steam cleaned LPs and surly want to share that with others and for no other reason. For me music enjoyment is the bottom line and nothing else. I hope i did not ruffle any feathers as that was not my intention at all.
Here is an easy link to Stltrains' video

Stltrains Steam cleaning

Kudos to Stltrains for putting together an excellent demo of steam cleaning! Anyone following his method will undoubtedly get outstanding results.

I just want to offer a few ideas because I use a DIY, hand spun, RCM. Hopefully, people will understand that they can do whatever works most conveniently for them.

1. I steam LPs dry, right out of their sleeves. But I spin them, by hand, probably at no less than 100 rpm or so. This means I can get the steam closer and in the same grooves longer. I have seen no movement or creep by the vinyl whatsoever.

2. Right after steaming and before a vacuum, I do apply a cleaning solution while the record is still wet from the steam. This is maybe a tablespoon of solution and I do a light scrub to make sure stuff loosened by the steam is still in solution. I then vacuum everything up with one attachment. There is nothing left by my RCM, the LP is completely dry.

3. Now I apply maybe a teaspoon of ultra pure water as a rinse and move this around the surface with a cheapy VPI felt brush. Then vacuum this up with a second attachment. Again, the vinyl is completely dry after a few revolutions.

4. I'm really paranoid, so I completely cover the LP label during the whole process.

Using this approach and my DIY RCM I have found no reason to apply anti-static treatment (probably depends on where you live) or wait for the vinyl to dry, before playing an LP. I go from RCM to platter. I do use a Zerostat after play.

I hope people reading this will take away that the main process is the steam. It seems that whatever happens before or after is just gravy on the pasta. However, vacuuming immediately after steaming is undoubtedly a major advantage.
Readers: For The Record : I invented Steam Cleaning years ago and started writing (ie. doctumention) in 1990's. My work was picked up by Mapleshade and without acknowledgement or royalities, they put together a package based inpart on my scientific work, selling it for $150. That's when "I tuned in" and stopped being passive.

I added my voice to this Thread changing Tigers musing from "Is this worth the money" to "How its done". And from there I have touched on a litany of audio improvements that work when applied as outlined.

Friends, as long as I am given acknowledgement of the invention of Steam Cleaning ,in any public forum , no problem. From now on, I expect my name and work to be acknowledged. Notice : Any intellectial thievery and under the current international standards I have a right to take action : The Law is with me (maybe). I engage in discussion for my pleasure and intend to give away my ideas ,whenever,for free, to those that appreciate Analog. We have been kicked around for $$$$$ too long already.

Mapleshade is Mapleshade, should anyone want to give them money : So be It. The application works. If any one wants to learn how to improve LP playback far greater than that what has been the standard for the past 3/4 Century (for free) : Welcome and stay tuned. The fun is only beginning.

FYI: I am head-first into a revival of Air Bearing Turntables (see Maplenoll Thread) : Cleaning records with bacteria , developing RCM's with pizos , air & brushes , as well as , air scrubbers for Geo Thermal Home Cooling/Heating applications . You know, the Good Green Earth Thing.

Generally, my work is based inpart on Greek, Roman, European/American 18th & 19th Century models including early Soviet engineering, using 21th Century "know-how" & materals . One GT system design costs me nothing build or operate w/ 85% effeciently. Thats less the cost of pipe and specific engineering for a home application. I plan to be nearly-off the Grid and lower my footprint soon , but my Amps stay. For reasons I really don't understand, my ideas work out of the box , period. The same goes for much of what I until sombody decides to ---- on me. Such is life.

How about this : Could I put the Geo-Thermal application(s) up for sale , by auction , on AG , with a reserve of 5 million Euros? Any takers ? Ok, I'll split P/P and AG costs. If you think I'm kidding put up the money .

The act of invention always been in the family; Grandad invented a door appliance that is used to open & close most everydoor in the world, just think of what thar's worth. He invented industrial applications, tweaked car building methods , earning $1000 x the weekly average in the Great Depression before his death to strep in '33. Sorry, Pop-Pop you should have been into Merk rather than Yellow Cab. My cousin, Steve, patiented a "green" side walk that cleans it self of ice & snow. So what does this have to do with Analog ? Well ...

Yes, Tiger started the Thread and I changed it as well as how LPs are cleaned forever. Its all the the genes ... So lets gets started... And when your on "You Tube" don't forget to mention me. All the Best. Charles Rehm (crem1), REHM UNLIMITED LLC, Cub Hill, MD . "Tomorrow Is One Idea Away" tm.
FYI : Maple-You-Know-What sent me a message using my friends months ago , claiming intent to give full acknowledgement on the Web site. So far nothing...Perhaps I can make them an offer they can not refuse ... Now who said that ??
Water Matters : From the above posts it seems few have reviewed the Water posts of the last years. Just remember when ever you put H2O into a heating tank lots of chemical changes occurr ,and when you seen those little black specks chances are thats carbon. Lots of entry points for comtamination, by metal composition , air or water. Look at the debris of a fire -- What do you see Carbon and other junk.

I use Peak because its cheap , widely available and reasonably manufactured to remove most of what ails vinyl. The secret is in the rinse, the rinse cleans aways debris. That's where money matters. Again, Peak does a very good job. Should you want to spend more , go ahead no problem.

Dispite the beating I am taking in some Euro-Circles, use any record cleaning fluid you want. Sure , some have cleaning improvements over others , But Generally, they all work about the same. Use a RCM or not thats' your decision, the American Way , options. Cheers to all, especially Martina@GE. LOL