Crem, this has become truly bizarre. I merely pointed out that you were spending an inordinate amount of time and effort on this process and now you have turned it into a personal attack and brought your Mother into the discussion. I must withdraw as I have no rebuttal for the mommy factor. However, I genuinely am concerned about the state of your mental health since your postings have clearly deteriorated in style as well as having a marked increase in grammatical and spelling errors. I apologize if you are suffering from some malady that we are unaware of.
Anybody who has a balanced view of life can’t help but notice that yours is clearly unbalanced with your admitted 100’s of hours spent on this thread alone. I question my own sanity with the little time I’ve spent on it.
I must also say that in an odd way I do admire your fixation with this topic much as I admire a mad genius like Glenn Gould who obsessed about finding a perfect piano, but at the end of the day it really isn’t a healthy place to be.
I will leave you alone to your obsessions and paranoia. Adios.
Anybody who has a balanced view of life can’t help but notice that yours is clearly unbalanced with your admitted 100’s of hours spent on this thread alone. I question my own sanity with the little time I’ve spent on it.
I must also say that in an odd way I do admire your fixation with this topic much as I admire a mad genius like Glenn Gould who obsessed about finding a perfect piano, but at the end of the day it really isn’t a healthy place to be.
I will leave you alone to your obsessions and paranoia. Adios.