Michell Gyro SE upgrade to Orbe clamp?

I just bought and installed a Michell Orbe clamp upgrade to my Gyro SE. The instructions do not mention which way the acrylic finishing ring should be installed. It appears to have a flat side and a convex side. It fits over the knurled platter locking nut either way. So... should the finishing ring be used with the flat side up or the convex side up? Perhaps... flat side up for thick records and convex side up for thin ones?
From my experiences, if you push/tighten it really tight, it will kill the soundstage and overdamp the sound. Most people tighten it till no tomorrow. You will lose detail and it will kill the soundstage. Try very lightly tightening it. You might prefer it that way.

There are many good atermarket clamps available which will really improve the sound.
Rockinrobin - what do you think of the clamp so far? I see you're talking about changing tables, should I take that to mean that you're not overly impressed with the clamp?
I like the clamp. It is easier to use than the stock Gyro SE clamp. I find, like others, that it sounds best with the record clamped lightly, so that it is just barely flattened on the platter (i.e. not "he-man" tight). I am generally satisfied with the Gyro after this upgrade, but I am simply curious as to what will take me to the next level with my vinyl source. Will it be a whole new turntable, or a new tonearm, or a new cartridge, or what? I have a new high quality phono stage (Modwright), so that is not an option I am considering.
Would be good to know which arm and cartridge you are using. I am currently using SME V and Shelter 901. On my way to Japan/Taiwan next week. Will be keeping my eyes open for some cartridges...
