Aesthetix IO Sig V 2nd power supply & Lamm LP2 del

I have having a listen to the Aesthetix IO sig at the moment and it sounds very good. Not as quiet as my Xono, but has that added flow that tubes do.

What does adding the 2nd power supply bring to the sonic equation, say vs buying some expensive NOS tubes??

Lastly, For anyone who has heard, what are the sonic differences between the Io sig and the Lamm Lp2 deluxe??


Shane, when I purchased my Io Signature, I asked the designer, Jim White, about the second power supply and he replied with this advice about what he heard with the Signature upgrade from the standard MkII version and then with the second power supply:

The Signature provides the following benefits:

.. Greater resolution
.. More neutral presentation
.. Improved high frequency extension and detail
.. Greater top to bottom coherency
.. Better bass definition

Adding the second supply improves the sound in the following ways:

.. Added space
.. Improved macro dynamics
.. Improved micro dynamics
.. Blacker backround
.. Greater ease to the sound, less strained

What I can say is that my Io Signature with the dual power supply option is extremely satisfying in all the areas Jim mentioned.

As to the vintage tubes, I know that lots of people have really liked the results of their tube rolling experiments, particularly following Albert Porter's recommendations. I tried all the small tube substitutions and returned to using the stock tubes by preference. For my sonic priorites and for listening primarily to classical music, I found that the stock tubes gave me the best combination of resolution and timbral accuracy. Jim told me that his customer base splits about 50/50 on the vintage vs. stock tube issue, with many classical listners (like me) preferring to stay with the stock tubes. As always, YMMV... But in my opinion, you can't go wrong getting the second power supply if you like what you're hearing with the Io Signature with a single power supply.
I own an LP2 Deluxe, and have heard the IO, though not recently. I think that if I has the space (imagine, a four box preamp and three-box phono stage--there'd be no room for any source components!) and was willing to put up with the potential of the hassle of a large number of tubes I would have gone with an Aesthetix, though the sound of the two units is excellent and similar, the Lamm being perhaps a little darker in overall tonal balance. The Lamm is quieter, but at least part of that could be from its lowish gain (57db). If your Dynavector is less than .3 mv output, you may find the Lamm lacking in ultimate gain and dynamics. These are both great phono stages; I think you would be making a sideways move to get the Lamm (unless you really feel you need the quieter background and less heat/tubes to worry about), and since you like the sound of your Aesthetix, I'd suggest that if you have the money and space, upgrading the power supply would be a good choice.
I agree mostly with the above response. My experiences are as follows:

Aesthetic IO Signature MKII with 2nd PS:
1. Great dynamics.
2. Great air in the top end.
3. Good flexibility for variety of carts.
4. Fairly quiet at first, very noisy shortly after limited use.
5. Works tubes very hard.
6. Support was not great.
7. Tube replacement is fairly costly.
8. Needs a lot of real estate for all the chassis.

LAMM LP2 Deluxe
1. Dead quiet
2. Slightly dark sounding.
3. Top end air lacks slightly.
4. No flexibility with gain or loading. (LAMM believes it is unnecessary)
5. Inexpensive tube replacement.
6. Good textural detail.

You have a very low output cart which I have used with the LAMM and it definitely works, but a bit more gain would help. Personally, I would not own an Aesthetix product again as I have had terrible personal experiences as well as many of my customers. Others may disagree and I am happy their experiences are different, but if you are in Australia, I would look for something that is more of a sure thing.

Good Luck!
I've had great support with my Aesthetix gear, as have many others who post on Audiogon. Jim White has been a superb person to work with. I've used my Io Signature for five years and the original tubes have remained dead quiet.