What's wrong with peace and quiet? I bought a large screen TV a few years ago and innocently installed it in my sound room. I thought everybody could enjoy watching it. My wife and daughter almost never go down there, but my 21 year old son spends gobs of time there watching TV or playing those awful totally loud and often violent video games. What's wrong with peace and quiet? The thought that he would install all those game consoles in the sound room never occurred to me.
If you are an avid music lover an isolated, as you call it, dedicated listening room with a music only system is the way to go.
So now I have a second system in the living room that I enjoy, but still the big rig is in the basement sound room so I always feel that Im only getting a half serving when listening upstairs. One thing I will surely do when I move out of the present house is to have the sound room at ground level or higher with good sized windows giving me some sense of connection to nature. Oh, I may be moving to the Eastern Townships in the spring and wouldnt mind having a view of a nice valley from a mountain top house.